Friday, May 29, 2015

Shaka goes after Hebrews with facts

This video starts with Shaka Ahmose going to Time Square and meeting the Hebrew Israelites in the environment that The Mighty AOC is custom to preaching and/or teaching at. The AOC made it very clear that the African's were the number one enemy of there camp and suggested the same thing that most of us watching this have heard before in terms of blacks being the original Hebrew Israelites. They were holding up many Collages and pictures to help reinforce to people hat they believe in. One of the elders suggested that a lot of what the bible said was metaphor and shouldn't be taken literally while Shaka Ahmose made the point that this elder didn't seem to have any scriptures or evidence to be able to prove that they were speaking in metaphor.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Shaka Ahmose talks religion
Shaka Ahmose started this lecture bringing up a good point that Ancient Egypt had no 1 religion.  His Beginning statement was along the lines of suggesting that us American blacks in the United States thought that by converting to Islam we were turning our backs on the religion of our slave masters which was Christianity. Shaka even broke down a few terms such as what  an apologist was and the muslim roots of Christianity. I'm not going to ruin the experience for the rest of you guys so see it for your self by clicking on the pictures. He even gives a shot out to Imam bashir

Friday, May 15, 2015

Red pill speaks with Jurrasic 5 member Brother Akil about up coming rap battle league

This video started off with the Red Pill introducing the legendary rap performer from Los Angeles known as Akil. These brothers started building on the upcoming Conscious style battle league that Saneter would be bringing into effect and Akil suggested that's a good because it gives upcoming talent a new avenue to promote themselves. I felt Red Pill gave an interesting perspective how he came to evolve into his conscious state of being and mentioning his sister and how she's from a different era. These 2 guys just basically had a truly edifying building session. Takee a look for yourself.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Brother divines strikes again

brother divine started his lecture off with a strong point suggesting that when a police officer sees the average black person walking the street they don't typically make a distinction. Brother Divine seemed to be trying to prove the validity of the bible even though he isn't christian or Hebrew Israelite. The man went through the genealogy of Abraham and was able to give lots and lots of dates information that the Black Hebrew Israelites get accused of not being able to provide. This brother was deep linking the Hebrew Israelite religion with ancient Kemet in many ways. See for yourself.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The House of Conscious Rap Battle League

House of Consciousness has a rap battle league that's kind of different from the traditional stand point. It's more so based on showcasing music instead of 2 emcees standing toe to toe bashing each other. This event is more so for conscious rappers and it includes Christian Rappers, Muslim rappers , Hebrew Israelite rappers and rappers for Egyptology. It sounds like it's going to be good and will most likely have judges. Take a look for your self