Friday, July 31, 2015

Red Pill discusing Propaganda

Red Pill seemed to be reading a book with the word DNA written on the cover in big and bold letters. The book seems to be about the functions of DNA and how it effects the reality that one senses in the world. He spent time breaking down how the powers that be use the media to there advantage to help influence the perception of the masses through propaganda and so called media campaigns. This interview seemed to be captured by Black & Nobel books. Let this blog know your input on the video.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Dr Yosef and Rabbi Arthur Seltzer

Rabbi Arthur Seltzer seemed to have started this video asking for an apology from Dr Yosef over a statement that he made. Dr Yosef Ben then stuck up for him self by saying that he was just as much a Jew as any other and suggested that he participated in all the ceremonies that Jewish people practice. This video was interesting to see both ideas and perspectives clashing against each other. What do you think?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Polight talks 12 tribes on the couch with Guerilla hebrew

Guerilla Hebrew was asked many questions in this video with Polight in regards to his stance. The Hebrew brother had other brothers reading the bible in the background as he broke the bible down some what eloquently. Polight asked many good questions that really seemed to be trying the faith of the Hebrews. This was part 3 to this extremely interesting discussion so take a glance and drop a comment.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Dr York egyptian mysteries revealed

In this video Dr Malachi thoroughly breaks down the correlations between Egyptian Book of the Dead and the bible. One of the main subjects he brought up was tale of immaculate conception and how you could trace it’s roots back to Kemet. The man even suggested that Light bulbs even existed at the time that Pharaohs existed and that Thot's original name was Tehuti. I will leave the rest up to check the video out for your self.


Friday, July 3, 2015

Young brother Divine Prospect speaks

Divine Prospect starts this seminar lecture introducing himself  asking a meaningful question and asking a question that would cause one to have a quick reflection. The young teacher basically went through very useful statistics. He suggested that the bible was a myth that was basically symbolic for what really took place on this planet and stated that people shouldn't be as quick to shun the bible or ignore it as they are. This guy is a scientist for real breaking down different concepts such as the tectonic plates of the planet and so on. At the end of his lecture he answered the questions that from folks that were viewing him online. Watch it for yourself it' definitely worth your time.