Friday, August 28, 2015

Dr Ali Muhammad talks vegetarian and starch

Dr Ali Muhhamad gives a very long lecture on what to eat, what not to eat, and how many vegetarians eat starchy diets. Another thing he touched on was the electromagnetic every human being has around themselves and how it affects health. One thing that he was extremely serious about enough to warn people of was the harm done when you dip your herbs in alcohol and I liked what he said about people suppose to be having odorless bowel movements because I can relate to that but most people wouldn't even think that possible. Please leave your input I would love to hear it.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Brother Danyaahla interviewed by Saneter

Danyaahla got on the video talking about the reason he was anxious to take on Polite and the rest of  the people who challenge his particular belief. He also suggested that he didn't start out as a Hebrew Israelite but instead was a 5 per-center at first and knew the lessons by heart. The brother obviously had a long past in dealing with knowledge of self. According to this scholar King James is a black man who's family line came from Scotland. Watch this video and don't forget to leave a comment on my page.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Brother Rawyal on BA BA TV

Brother Rawyal was asked his opinion on Polite's future debates with The Hebrew Israelites and talking about his track record. He called him self the god and suggested that we black American missed out on the chance to get reparations. According to the young Lone wolf there are new corporate words that are being used to describe different forms of truth seekers.Watch it and tell me what you think.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Dr Alim Bey has a chi gong work shop

Dr Alim Bey starts this discussion mentioning how many civilizations describe there being an unseen force in every human being known as a spirit. The Dr then went in to give his audience a great demonstration as he displayed moves with ease you can tell he was very experienced in Qi Gong. Not only did he display Chi gong moves but he described in great detail what he was doing in each move. The video broke down the ways of chi energy from Dr Alim Bey so see and tell me what you think about it.