Friday, November 27, 2015

Dave Turner goes deep at Black and Noble

He claimed that Abraham Lincoln wanted to send African slaves back to Africa but the slave owners didn't want that for financial reasons. He suggested that we aren't free and the real money stopped being printed very long ago. Another one of his suggestions was that commerce is energy and that you don't have to say anything in court. The video ended with him giving rules and  guidelines to how the system works.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Rock Newman Show with Dr Umar Johnson

Dr. Umar Johnson started this video explaining how black kids often times getting labeled with so many disorders that they are wrongfully diagnosed with. He brought up many good points during his video including the fact that homosexuality used to be considered a mental dis order but was later on accepted only for political reasons. From his experience most men had mostly become homo sexual due to the fact that they were molested. I thought Rock Newman brought up good legitimate questions but, what do you think?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Dr. Umar in Amsterdam

This lecture started with an introduction by the host and a few claps and cheers. Dr. Umar spent a great deal of time telling people about the his upcoming project which was to start a new school. Apparently he needs donations and is trying to raise up to 2 million it seems. He chose to put his school at a former University that seems to be best suited for the vision of his school. With plenty of laughter in the crowd this was a great lecture that hopefully raised enough money for his new school so check it out. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Professor Griff and Zaza Ali asked a question about Empire

This conversation started off with a conversation about a new television hit show called Empire that according to the interview deals in homosexuality some how . Blue Pill stepped in and said a few words of his own giving a few thoughts and feedback of his own about the subjects that were presented as well. Za Za Ali went in depth of bringing up how television can traumatize the mind of young children and so did Public Enemies Professor griff. See for yourself and let me know what you think.