Friday, December 25, 2015

Brother talks free talk about liberation part 1

At the beginning of this video time is spent informing the people on very useful information including Jay Edgar Hoover's campaign to dis credit black. Brother Hannibal of the New black Panther party Chicago faction had quite a lot to say as well. He's a powerful speaker that's for sure. He gave honor honor to the late great Khalid abdul Muhammad and talked about Willie lynch. There was a run down of how the Puerto Rican race came to be as well. So take a glance.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Black Panther talks about black history month

This video started off with a narrator introducing and giving a rundown on what was coming up. Hannibal started this video chanting black power a few times and seem to be suggesting that Black history month started as Black History day. He suggested that black history month isn't long enough for blacks to celebrate our history and that we should celebrate being black every day. The man went into depth about how he got his name as well.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Kalam El chopped it up with Shaka

Kalam El  starts this video with a star studded introducing to Shaka Ahmose for all those who didn't know what his name was. This conversation was great and had a few other guest appearances as well. One of the people on this discussion had trouble showing their face. See for yourself

Friday, December 4, 2015

Hidden Colors clip discusses the Moors

Tariq Nasheed starts this clip off talking about how the word Moor use to be interchangeable with the word black at one point in time. He also brought up a boxer who had a nickname acknowledging that he was a moor. Dr Booker T Coleman suggested. There was a good amount of art to support the stances on this video clip. Take a look and leave a message.